Greenway VA Locksmiths Key Duplication Services
A Few Key Facts:
The Fine Art of Key Duplication starts with a well trained Baldinos Greenway VA locksmith. It takes a minimum of six to twelve months to train a Baldinos Greenway VA locksmith key duplication specialist; that is, a person who duplicates keys that work each and every time. A Baldinos Greenway VA locksmith must master twelve types of machines, and learn how to machine keys from codes or without codes. To become a locksmith apprentice, or how to become a locksmith, takes a minimum of four years of training to include all aspects of the locksmith trade. With the introduction of new products and newer electronic access control systems, our Greenway VA locksmith training is continuous. Our Greenway VA locksmiths must learn the key specifications for over 1,000 key blanks and be able to select, without hesitation, the correct key blank to use for each specific key duplication request. Additionally, modern automobiles are now using transponder keys which require programming after the key is duplicated mechanically. Baldinos Greenway VA locksmiths are able to properly identify, cut, and program transponder keys so they will operate your vehicle.
All key blanks are not the same !
All key blanks are NOT the same! The strength and quality of the key blank is critical, ensuring resistance to bending or cracking at stress points. The metal alloys that are used to create key blanks vary greatly from one key blank manufacturer to another. A good quality key blank is necessary for accurate key duplication, and will often cost more than a key cut at big box stores or home centers. Baldinos Greenway VA Locksmiths know this and a return visit to correct problems with your duplicate key(s) won't be necessary because the job is done right the first time. Home centers and hardware stores are able to charge less for key duplication simply because the key blanks they use are often created from cheaper metal alloys, often thinner, and therefore susceptible to bending and/or breaking. Additionally, most big box stores, home centers and hardware stores in Greenway VA hire employees who simply do not have the specific knowledge of door locking mechanisms or the experience to know exactly why a key you got copied won't work your lock. If you ever revisit one of our Baldinos Greenway VA Locksmiths for a key that fails to work, we will do what is necessary to find out why your key doesn't work and replace it free of charge.
In order to save money on brass and machinery to mill key blanks with exacting tolerances, many key manufacturers mill the key blank outside of specifications. Due to thinner construction, the key blanks will insert into the lock, but wobble in the keyway, causing the duplicated key to turn hard, hang up or get stuck, resulting in breakage. Modern automotive keys are especially critical, using tight tolerances and exacting key specifications. Locking mechanisms in many modern automobiles can be damaged by keys that are improperly cut, or cut on the wrong blank. Vehicles that incorporate the latest in transmitter-responder (transponder) key systems require that the keys be programmed properly with equipment that prevents thieves from stealing vehicles using transponder key systems. The keys absolutely must be cut properly before attempting transponder key programming. Our Greenway VA Locksmiths are trained in the latest transponder key programming methods being used by different manufacturers and are qualified to cut and program a duplicate transponder key for nearly any vehicle on the road today.
Quality Key Cutting Equipment:
A properly cut key starts with the key cutting equipment and key machines Baldinos Greenway VA Locksmith uses. Key machines with accurate adjustment mechanisms and strong, powerful motors using high quality cutting wheels ensure the smooth milling of new key blanks. Baldinos Greenway VA locksmiths, in order to provide the highest quality of service, adjust the tolerance of every key machine or key cutting machine we use on a weekly basis. Baldinos Greenway VA Locksmiths are trained to verify each key cutting machine while using the proper key cutting equipment for specific key duplication jobs.